martes, 17 de abril de 2007


fever is it builds that it deals on a girl with general malaise and much fever.

Oraldis Romero as Alice Jackson

Osward Fernandez as Osward

Luis Aguilar as Dr. DREE.


- OSWARD: hi alice, how are you?

- ALICE: oh, i feel terrible

- OSWARD: so... what's wrong exactly?

- ALICE: i have a fever, a headache, a cold, a cough, i don't feel well!!!

- OSWARD: oh, sorry! uhm... why don't you go to the doctor?

- ALICE: ok... tomorrow, i'm going to make an appointment

- OSWARD: ok, see you later alice, hope you get better!

- ALICE: thank you osward! bye.


- ALICE: good afternoon, i'm calling to make an appointment whit the DR. DREE

- SECRETARY: ok, what's your name?

- ALICE: alice jackson.

- SECRETARY: ok, come here tomorrow at nine a.m.

- ALICE: ok, thank you!


- ALICE: good morning doctor

- DR. DREE: hi alice, come in... how are you today?

- ALICE: i feel terrible!

- DR. DREE: so... what's wrong exactly?

- ALICE: i have a fever, a cold, a cough and a headache, too.

- DR. DREE: ok, let me check you... ok alice, you have a hard could. take this aspirins one after every meal for two weeks. take a lot of rest and drink a lot of liquid.

- ALICE: ok, thank you doctor, bye!

- DR. DREE: bye alice!


- OSWARD: helo alice, how are you today?

- ALICE: i'm just fine osward thank you!

- OWARD: did you go to the doctor?

- ALICE: yes i went!

- OSWARD: ok... bye alice, have a nice day!

- ALICE: thanks osward you too!!!

!!!!!!!! watches the photo we we are the personages that it parese to you?

1 comentario:

Robin Gonzalez dijo...

sup with the blank spaces? great conversation it kept me reading it till the end.